
Caring for Amethyst: Tips for Cleansing, Charging, and Storing

Amethyst is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that not only delights the eye with its stunning purple hue but also possesses unique energetic properties. However, like any precious stone, Amethyst requires proper care to maintain its beauty and energy. In this article, we will discuss several important aspects of caring for Amethyst, including its cleansing, charging, and storing.

Cleansing Amethyst

 A bowl filled with Amethyst crystals emitting smoke with a bundle of sage beside it
A bowl of amethyst crystals undergoing smoke cleansing, with a bundle of sage used for purification.

Cold Water Rinse: One of the simplest ways to cleanse Amethyst is by rinsing it under cold running water. This helps remove surface impurities and negative energy.

Salt Bath: Submerge Amethyst in a salt bath for several hours. Salt helps draw out accumulated negative energy, cleansing the stone on an energetic level.

Smoke Cleansing: Pass Amethyst through the smoke of burning herbal resin such as white sage, frankincense, or Palo Santo. Smoke helps purify the stone from negative energy.

Charging Amethyst

An Amethyst crystal lying on a rock under moonlight
An Amethyst crystal charging under the soft glow of the moonlight.

Lunar Charging: Leave Amethyst overnight outdoors or under moonlight, preferably during a full moon. Lunar energy helps charge the stone with its soft and gentle force.

Solar Charging: Place Amethyst in sunlight for several hours to charge it with solar energy. However, be cautious, as prolonged exposure to sunlight may alter the stone's color.

Crystal Charging: Position Amethyst on a crystal grid with other stones such as quartz, citrine, or ametrine to amplify their energy and charge Amethyst with new energetic properties.

Storing Amethyst


Avoid Direct Sunlight: Store Amethyst in a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight to prevent color changes.

Separate Storage: Store Amethyst separately from other stones to avoid potential damage or scratches.

Soft Storage: Wrap Amethyst in soft fabric or place it in a specialized case to prevent scratches and damage.

Regular Inspection: Periodically check your Amethyst for damage or changes in color, and perform cleansing and charging as needed.

By following these simple care tips, you can preserve the beauty and energy of your Amethyst for many years to come and enjoy all its benefits in your life.